Ching-Shu Hung
Understanding cloud processes and their interactions with aerosol, precipitation, and radiation across various scales and cloud regimes

Jesse Loveridge
Retrieving 3D variations of cloud microphysical properties using passive and active remote sensing observations

Kevin Yang
Assessing the role of near-cloud aerosols in radiative forcing and their dependence on cloud organization

Ty Johnson
Improving the characterization of smoke plumes from sensors on geostationary platforms using machine learning and 3D radiative transfer

Olivia Pierpaoli
Characterizing aerosol hygroscopic growth and advancing aerosol optical and microphysical property retrievals applicable to complex, highly 3-D, cloud-aerosol environments

Tzu-Han Hsu
Addressing the outstanding issue of the "too few, too bright" problem by improved understanding of cloud evolution physics and the shifting balance of driving forces in various regime transitions.
Former Group Members
Former postdoc fellows and research scientists: Dr. Micael Cecchini is now at the University of São Paulo. Dr. Emily Bian at South Coast Air Quality Management District. Dr. Yann Blanchard at the University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada Dr. Peter Hill at the University of Reading, UK. Dr. Shannon Mason at ECMWF, UK.
Former PhD students: Dr. Julian Mann: now at AECOM, UK. Dr. Mark Fielding at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. Dr. Matt Young at the University of Reading, UK. Dr. Sophia Schäfer at the Deutscher Wetterdienst (German Weather Service). Dr. Jake Gristey at NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory / Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, US.
Former MS students: Matthew Lang now at the Environmental Pollution Agency, US. Nicholas Kedzuf at NOAA Global Systems Laboratory / Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere, US. Joe Kelly at NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies/Columbia University.